Queens Slipper plastic coated playing cards
$4.10$3.50 each + postage in the traditional red and blue backs. These are the brand of cards your mum and dad played with on the kitchen table. We have much cheaper alternatives. BEST TO PHONE OR EMAIL US FROM THE HOME PAGE TO ORDER THESE. The website will not calculate…
Card Holder Round Plastic
$4.95Small, round card holders. Suitable for children or people who prefer to hold the cards in a holder in their hand. They have a built-in spring to hold the cards in place.
Long Socks with Suit Symbols
$5.00Various patterns long woollen socks with suit symbols on the side. Only one size which is quite small, suitable for girls or small ladies
Slant Pad Playing Cards
$5.00Slant Pads are printed on every sheet with a playing card pattern and have a board base.
Mouse Pads with printed playing card symbols
$7.00Mouse pads with pictures of playing card symbols, 3 colours